17.50.050 Special Restrictions for Individual Zone Districts.
(1) Signs in Residential Use Districts (R1, RT, R2, R3, R4) are regulated as follows:
(a) signs shall be flush-mounted or ground signs;
(b) lighted signs shall be indirectly lighted;
(c) each dwelling unit or manufactured home is allowed one (1) sign not exceeding three (3) square feet in sign surface area, containing the name and/or address of the building or person;
(d) each apartment house complex, condominium complex, membership lodging, residence hall, fraternity, sorority, or boarding or rooming house is allowed one (1) sign containing the name and/or address of the building for each street exposure. In no case shall there be more than two (2) signs per use, and such signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in sign surface area.
(2) Signs in the C1 Neighborhood Commercial District are regulated as follows:
(a) signs shall be flush-mounted, ground, canopy, portable, or marquee signs;
(b) no sign shall protrude more than two (2) feet into any required yard;
(c) the aggregate gross surface area of all permanent signs excluding portable signs and identification signs for property occupied by any one use, multiple occupancy building, or shopping center shall not exceed one and one-half (1-½) square feet of sign surface area per foot of street frontage. In no case shall a sign have more than one hundred (100) square feet of sign surface area.
(3) Signs in the C2 Central Business District are regulated as follows:
(a) the aggregate gross area of all permanent signs excluding portable signs and identification signs for property occupied by any one use, multiple occupancy building, or shopping center shall not exceed two (2) square feet of sign surface area per foot of street frontage. In no case shall a sign have more than one hundred (100) square feet of sign surface area.
(b) pole signs shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in height from ground level to sign top.
(c) the C2 Central Business District was first constructed circa 1900. Some buildings within this district are characterized by the commercial architecture found in Pullman for this period. This architecture has predominant characteristics such as projecting cornices, continuous horizontal and vertical lines, arches, transoms, and horizontal banding. It is the intent that signage for facades of buildings that expose these characteristics, whether built during this period or later, should be in harmony with the above characteristics. Signs erected on the street or the sidewalk facades of buildings having these characteristics shall to the greatest extent possible conform to the following guidelines:
(i) signs, including sign structure and exposed electrical service, should not interrupt the cornice lines or other horizontal and vertical lines.
(ii) signs should be placed in areas which were traditional sign board areas for the architecture of the structure involved, such as directly above doors, in display windows, in transoms, or on awnings.
(iii) the top of signs should not be higher than sixteen (16) feet above grade unless the original architecture of the building allowed for a greater height.
The city planner when reviewing an application for the signage of a building within the C2 Central Business District shall determine whether or not the exposed facade of the building is representative of the turn-of-the-century commercial architecture found in Pullman. If so, then the standards set forth in 17.50.050(3)(c)(i)(ii)(iii) shall apply. The city planner shall consult with the Main Street Design Committee or a similar group recognized by the City Council to determine if the signage will be consistent with the architectural integrity of the particular building.
(4) For signs in the C3 District, the aggregate gross area of all permanent signs except portable signs and identification signs for property occupied by any one use, multiple occupancy building, or shopping center shall not exceed two and one-half (2-½) square feet of sign surface area per foot of street frontage. In no case shall a sign have more than two hundred (200) square feet of sign surface area.
(5) For signs in the IRP, I1, and I2 Districts, the aggregate gross area of all permanent signs except identification signs for property occupied by any one use, multiple occupancy building or shopping center shall not exceed two and one-half (2-½) square feet of sign surface area per foot of street frontage. In no case shall a sign have more than two hundred (200) square feet of sign surface area. (Ord. 90-10 §3, 1990; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).