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The following provisions apply to all signs except as modified in individual zone districts as set forth in 17.50.050.

(1) Flush-Mounted Signs. Flush-mounted signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) A flush-mounted sign shall not have more than two (2) square feet of sign surface area for each one (1) foot of length of the wall on which it is mounted, provided, however, a flush-mounted sign shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet of sign surface area.

(b) The sign may be located on the front of a marquee if not over three (3) feet in height and if parallel to the wall to which the marquee is attached, but shall not extend beyond either end of the marquee nor above or below the marquee.

(2) Pole Signs. Pole-mounted signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) Pole signs may have a maximum allowable sign surface area of two (2) square feet per foot of lot frontage but shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet of sign surface area.

(b) Pole signs shall be placed in a planter box, or have their base otherwise landscaped, with the area of the landscaping being a minimum of one-half (½) of the sign surface area of the sign.

(c) All supporting structures for pole signs shall be located on private property.

(d) Pole signs may extend over a public right-of-way provided that the vertical clearance between a pole sign and ground level shall not be less than ten (10) feet and that no part of the sign projects within three (3) feet of the curbline. Where there is no curb a sign may project three (3) feet over a public right-of-way provided that vertical clearance shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet.

(3) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) Projecting signs shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in sign surface area.

(b) Projecting signs and supporting structures may extend over a public right-of-way, provided that the vertical clearance between the projecting sign and its structure and ground level shall not be less than ten (10) feet and that no part of such a sign or structure shall project within three (3) feet of the curbline. Where there is no curb a sign and its structure may project three (3) feet over a public right-of-way provided that vertical clearance shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet.

(4) Roof Signs. Roof signs are prohibited.

(5) Ground Signs. Ground signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) Ground signs shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in sign surface area.

(b) Ground signs shall be placed in a planter box, or otherwise landscaped, with the area of the landscaping a minimum of one-half (½) of the sign surface area of the sign.

(c) Ground signs shall not exceed forty-two (42) inches in height.

(6) Marquee Signs. Marquee signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) Marquee signs shall not have less than a seven and one-half (7-½) foot minimum clearance from grade.

(b) No portion of the sign may project beyond the marquee.

(c) Marquee signs may be illuminated.

(7) Canopy Signs. Canopy signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(a) Canopy signs shall have no more than two (2) square feet of sign surface area per one (1) foot of length of wall upon which the canopy is mounted. A canopy sign shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet of sign surface area.

(b) Canopy signs may be backlit.

(8) Temporary Signs. The following temporary signs are allowed:

(a) Construction Signs that do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, and that are removed no later than thirty (30) days after completion of construction.

(b) Grand Opening Signs for a period not exceeding seven (7) days.

(c) Real Estate Signs that do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area for each commercial and industrial property or residential subdivision, and six (6) square feet in area for residential properties. These signs shall be removed no later than thirty (30) days after sale or rental of the land or building(s). Except for “Open House” signs, Real Estate Signs shall be on-premise signs, unless an administrative variance is obtained pursuant to 17.130.040 to locate a Real Estate Sign(s) at an off-premises location. “Open House” directional signs that do not exceed six (6) square feet in area shall be limited to one (1) on-premise sign and three (3) off-premise signs. “Open House” signs may be placed in a public right-of-way only during daylight hours.

(d) Special Event Signs that do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign surface area, provided these signs are located on private property and are erected no more than seven (7) days preceding the event and are removed no later than one (1) day after the conclusion of the event.

(e) Political Signs that do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in sign surface area are allowed, provided these signs are removed no later than ten (10) days after an election. Political signs shall not be lighted.

(f) Garage Sale Signs that do not exceed six (6) square feet in sign surface area, provided such signs shall be limited to one (1) on-premise sign and three (3) off-premise signs. Garage sale signs may be displayed for a maximum period of seven (7) consecutive days and must be removed the day the sale ends.

(g) Searchlights may be permitted for any business or enterprise not exceeding a period of seven (7) consecutive days provided the beam of the searchlight does not flash against any building or any object on the ground.

(h) Banner or Cloth Signs may be located in a public right-of-way with permission of the director; provided that the signs or banners are located within the C2 or C3 zone district, do not block the visibility of traffic control devices, have at least seventeen (17) feet clearance above street grade in accordance with Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and are for nonprofit, communitywide events. These signs shall be removed no later than one (1) day after the conclusion of the event.

(i) Balloon Signs are permitted in accordance with the following standards:

(i) Sign copy on balloon signs may not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area.

(ii) Balloon signs are allowed only within the C2, C3, I1, or I2 zone districts.

(iii) Balloon signs may be displayed for no more than thirty (30) consecutive days and no more than sixty (60) days total per calendar year. A balloon sign may not be reinstated at the property from which it was removed for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) hours.

(iv) Balloon signs may not exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, provided, however, that a balloon sign may exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height if, prior to displaying the balloon at a height exceeding thirty-five (35) feet, the owner of the balloon sign provides to the City Planner documentation from the manufacturer of said balloon that states that said balloon may safely be displayed at a specified height greater than thirty-five (35) feet, in which case said balloon sign may be displayed at the height specified in the manufacturer’s documentation, but in no event may the balloon sign be displayed at a height greater than two hundred (200) feet.

(v) No portion of the tethers attached to a balloon displaying a sign shall be placed in a location that is accessible to the public.

(vi) If, at any time, the Building Official believes that a balloon on which sign copy is placed constitutes a safety hazard to the public, the Building Official shall order the immediate removal of the balloon sign in accordance with 17.50.030(8)(b).

(j) Other Temporary Signs are permitted for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days and shall be limited to six (6) square feet of sign surface area for residential districts and thirty-two (32) square feet of sign surface area for commercial and industrial districts. The total sign surface area of temporary signs shall not exceed the maximum sign surface area permitted for permanent signs. A temporary sign shall not be reinstated on the property from which it was removed for a period of seventy-two (72) hours.

(9) Other Signs Permitted. The following signs are allowed within the constraints set forth below:

(a) Directional signs or informational signs of a public or quasi-public nature not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in sign surface area may be erected or maintained by an official or civic body.

(b) Changing message center signs, public service signs, and community bulletin boards are allowed.

(c) Commercial parking lot signs. Each lot shall be allowed one (1) flush-mounted or pole sign not exceeding twenty-four (24) square feet in sign surface area on each street frontage.

(d) Driveway entrance/exit signs shall have a maximum area of four (4) square feet. No advertising is permitted on such signs.

(e) Nonresidential use signs in residential districts. Each nonresidential use is permitted one (1) flushmounted or ground sign having a maximum sign area of twenty-four (24) square feet.

(f) Home Occupation Signs. A person engaged in a home occupation may display one (1) non-illuminated, flush-mounted sign bearing his or her name and occupation provided that the sign shall not exceed two (2) square feet in sign surface area.

(g) Church or School Signs. These uses may have ground signs or flush-mounted signs not exceeding one (1) square foot of aggregate sign surface area per two (2) feet of lot frontage in residential districts. In other districts, these signs shall be regulated as for any business use. Up to two (2) off-premise directional signs not exceeding two (2) square feet per face located on private property adjacent to a collector or arterial street as designated in the Comprehensive Plan are also permitted.

(h) Residential Development Signs. A sign not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in sign surface area, nor forty-two (42) inches in height above grade, identifying the development and located at its entrance. There shall be no more than one (1) residential development sign for each entrance. For manufactured home parks, such a sign is required and shall show at least the name of the park and a plan indicating the streets and the location and number of each manufactured home space. The sign shall not be more than ten (10) feet in height above grade.

(i) Portable Signs shall be allowed in the C1, C2, and C3 zone districts if each of the following conditions can be satisfied for the particular zone district involved. The square footage of portable signs shall not be counted in the total amount of allowable signage per business.

(i) In the C1 district:

aa. Maximum Size: Twelve (12) square feet.

bb. Maximum Height: Four (4) feet, six (6) inches.

cc. Location: On the property or adjacent right of way of the sponsoring business. If this placement results in a sign being located in the public right of way then a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet of sidewalk or five (5) horizontal feet of pedestrian clearance area (if no sidewalk is present) must remain unobstructed.

dd. Display Hours: During business hours only.

ee. Number: One (1) portable sign per business.

ff. Material: Durable material which is weather-resistant.

gg. Illumination: Lighted signs are prohibited.

(ii) In the C2 district:

aa. Maximum Size: Twelve (12) square feet.

bb. Maximum Height: Four (4) feet, six (6) inches.

cc. Location: On the property or adjacent right of way of the sponsoring business. If this placement results in a sign being located in the public right of way then a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet of sidewalk must remain unobstructed.

dd. Display Hours: During business hours only.

ee. Number: One (1) portable sign per business.

ff. Material: Durable material which is weather-resistant.

gg. Illumination: Lighted signs are prohibited.

(iii) In the C3 district:

aa. Maximum Size: Eighteen (18) square feet.

bb. Maximum Height: Six (6) feet.

cc. Location: On the property or adjacent right of way of the sponsoring business if a minimum of five (5) horizontal feet of sidewalk or five (5) horizontal feet of pedestrian clearance area (if no sidewalk is present) remains unobstructed, and if the sign vision clearance area as hereinafter defined is unobstructed.

The sign Vision Clearance Area is defined as a triangular area established at the intersection of two streets, a street and alley, or a street and driveway. The dimensions establishing the size of a sign vision clearance area shall be a minimum of fifteen feet measured at street grade along the curb line from the intersection, and the first fifteen feet of driveway or alley measured along the edge of the driveway or alley at a right angle to the street from the intersection. See following illustration.

dd. Display Hours: Anytime.

ee. Number: One (1) portable sign per business.

ff. Material: Durable material which is weather-resistant.

gg. Illumination: Lighted signs are prohibited.

(j) Identification Signs shall be installed in accordance with the following standards:

(i) Each multiple occupancy building or shopping center may have one (1) identification sign for each street frontage but no more than two (2).

(ii) Identification signs shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet in sign surface area in the C3, IRP, I1, or I2 districts.

(iii) Identification signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in sign surface area in the C1 or C2 districts.

(iv) Identification signs shall conform to the standards specified for the particular type of sign used, except that identification signs are exempt from the aggregate sign surface area requirements.

(k) Outdoor Advertising Signs shall be allowed for tourist-related signs and community information signs if each of the following conditions can be satisfied:

(i) For Tourist-related Signs:

1. the use caters to the tourist by providing food, lodging, or recreation;

2. the use is located at least three hundred (300) feet from a major arterial;

3. the sign is located in a C2, C3, IRP, I1, or I2 district;

4. the sign is directional in nature;

5. there are no more than two (2) off-premise signs for each use; and

6. the total area for the sign does not exceed a maximum of fifty (50) square feet, and does not exceed the allowable area for the property in the zone district in which it is located.

(ii) For Community Informational Signs:

1. the sign is of a public service nature; and,

2. the sign is posted at an entryway to the city, or at the city limits.

(l) Revolving Signs are allowed in the C2, C3, IRP, I1, and I2 districts, and shall be pole signs not exceeding ten (10) revolutions per minute. (Ord. 03-33 §26, 2003; Ord. 01-5 §8, 2001; Ord. 00-8 §6, 2000; Ord. 90-10 §2, 1990; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).