17.170.030 Procedure.
(1) Opening of Public Hearing. The person presiding at the hearing shall declare the public hearing open.
(2) Staff Report. The staff shall present its report and recommendation, and answer questions from the person or members of the body holding the hearing.
(3) Public Testimony. If the hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, the person presiding at the hearing shall ask all members of the hearing body questions concerning their ability to fairly hear the matter to be heard. The applicant, and/or his or her representatives, if any, shall speak first. If the hearing is an appeal filed by a person other than the applicant, that person shall speak first and then the applicant shall be allowed to speak. After both the proponents and opponents of a proposal or appeal have presented their cases any interested person who is neutral as to the proposal or appeal may be heard. After all interested persons have had a fair opportunity to speak and respond to other speakers, the person presiding over the hearing shall declare the public hearing either continued or closed.
Any hearing may be continued to a date, time, and place certain to obtain information needed for a proper decision for the presentation of written or formal findings and conclusions, or for other good cause. No further notice of the continued hearing shall be required if the hearing is continued to a date, time, and place certain.
(4) Relevant Speech and Material. A person may speak or submit material on any relevant subject. A subject is relevant if it is related to the proposal being reviewed, and the findings and review criteria required by this Title. The person presiding at a hearing may exclude speech and material which is not relevant.
(5) Time Limits. The person or body holding a hearing may impose reasonable time limits for persons speaking during a hearing.
(6) Rules of Procedure. The person or body holding a hearing may adopt rules of procedure to supplement this Section. However, formal rules of evidence or procedure followed by a court of law shall not be applicable to hearings conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Title.
(7) Discussion. The person or members of the body holding a hearing may ask questions of the staff or any other person after a hearing is closed for public testimony. However, if these questions raise relevant new material and that material is discussed, the public hearing may be reopened for testimony on the relevant new material not presented previously.
(8) Decision. The decision of the person or body holding a hearing shall be made after the hearing is closed for public testimony. For the city planner and other staff, the decision shall be made within fourteen (14) days of the day the hearing was closed for public testimony. For the hearing examiner, planning commission, and City Council, the decision shall be made within ninety (90) days of the day the hearing was closed for public testimony. The decision shall be made after due deliberation and shall be based on the relationship of the proposal to the appropriate standards and criteria of this Title. The decision shall be supported by appropriate findings and conclusions. The decision shall be reported in writing promptly to the applicant, or appellant if any, and any other person requesting a copy of the decision.
(9) Records. The city planner shall keep a permanent record of all public hearings including a verbatim tape recording of the hearing, summary minutes, and all exhibits including staff reports. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 03-33 §60, 2003; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).