17.108.020 Platting and Site Plan Requirements.
Townhouses may be constructed on property which meets the following platting and/or site plan requirements:
(1) In the RT District, townhouse developments involving the creation of four (4) or fewer townhouse lots shall be approved pursuant to the regulations and procedures established in Chapter 13.90 (Short Subdivisions) or Chapter 13.80 (Subdividing and Platting) if a short plat is not proper, the standards of this Chapter, and when applicable, Site Plan Review. Dwelling units shall be divided in such a manner as to have a common wall located on a common lot line. This division may be made after the issuance of a building permit, but must be made prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(2) In the RT District, townhouse developments involving the creation of five (5) or more townhouse lots shall be approved pursuant to the regulations and procedures established in Chapter 13.80 (Subdividing and Platting), the standards of this Chapter, and when applicable, Site Plan Review. Dwelling units shall be divided in such a manner as to have a common wall on a common lot line. This division may be made after the issuance of a building permit, but must be made prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(3) In the R2, R3 and R4 Multi-Family Residential Districts and Commercial Districts, townhouse developments shall be subject to the following standards:
(a) when applicable, Site Plan Review; and,
(b) when platting is desired by the developer, the regulations and procedures established in Chapter 13.80 (Subdividing and Platting) or Chapter 13.90 (Short Subdivisions).
Platting of each individual townhouse unit is not mandatory in these districts. Ownership may be conveyed through the condominium process.
(4) When platting is not required or desired by the developer, a binding site plan shall be required.
(5) The subdivision or short subdivision of a site containing previously constructed townhouse dwellings shall be allowed if the standards of this Chapter are met. (Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).