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(1) Noticing Requirements.

(a) Applicants shall follow the noticing requirements of the City. At a minimum, the City shall provide notice in accordance with WAC 173-27-110, and shall be consistent with noticing requirements in the Pullman City Code.

(b) Per WAC 173-27-120, the City shall comply with special procedures (public notice timelines, appeal periods, etc.) for limited utility extension and bulkheads.

(2) Exemptions from a Substantial Development Permit – Application and Interpretation.

(a) Exemptions shall be construed narrowly. Only those developments that meet the precise terms of one or more of the listed exemptions may be granted exemption from the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit process.

(b) An exemption from the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit process is not an exemption from compliance with the SMA or this SMP, or from any other regulatory requirements. To be authorized, all uses and development must be consistent with the policies, requirements and procedures of this SMP and the SMA. A development or use that is listed as a conditional use pursuant to this SMP or is an unlisted use, must obtain a Shoreline Conditional Use Permit even though the development or use does not require a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. When a development or use is proposed that does not comply with the bulk, dimensional and performance standards of this SMP, such development or use can only be authorized by approval of a Shoreline Variance.

(c) The burden of proof that a development or use is exempt from the permit process is on the applicant.

(d) If any part of a proposed development is not eligible for exemption, then a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit is required for the entire proposed development project.

(e) The City may attach conditions to the approval of exempted developments and/or uses as necessary to assure consistency of the project with the SMA and this SMP. Additionally, nothing shall interfere with the City’s ability to require compliance with all other applicable laws and plans.

(3) Exemptions Listed. The shoreline activities listed in WAC 173-27-040 and RCW 90.58.030(3)(e), 90.58.140(9), 90.58.147, 90.58.355 and 90.58.515, or successor laws shall be considered exempt from the requirement to obtain a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, but shall obtain a Letter or Statement of Exemption, as provided for in Subsections 16.55.160(2) and 16.55.160(4).

(4) Letter or Statement of Exemption.

(a) Letter of Exemption

(i) A Letter of Exemption shall be issued by the City when a development application is determined to meet the listed criteria for an exemption and the development is subject to a section 404 permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (generally applying to any project which may involve discharge of dredge or fill material to any water or wetland area).

(ii) The Letter shall indicate the specific exemption provision from WAC 173-27-040 that is being applied to the development and provide a summary of the City’s analysis of the consistency of the project with this SMP and the SMA. The Letter shall be sent to the applicant and the Department of Ecology.

(b) Statement of Exemption

(i) The City may grant or deny requests for Statements of Exemption from the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit requirement. The Statement shall be in writing and shall indicate the specific exemption of this Program that is being applied to the development, and shall provide a summary of the analysis of the consistency of the project with this Program and the Act.

(ii) The City shall issue a Statement of Exemption to an applicant whose project meets any of the exemptions listed in Subsection 16.55.160(3) when the City has determined that said project may alter or disturb the ground or vegetation.

(c) Letters and Statements of Exemption may contain conditions and/or mitigating measures of approval to achieve consistency and compliance with the provisions of the Program and Act.

(5) Permit Application Submittal Requirements

(a) Shoreline applications are classified as follows:

(i) Shoreline Substantial Development Permit

(ii) Shoreline Conditional Use Permit

(iii) Shoreline Variance

(iv) Shoreline Exemption

(b) Applications for Shoreline Substantial Development Permits, Shoreline Conditional Use Permits, Shoreline Variances, or Shoreline Exemptions shall be in a form prescribed and supplied by the City, including a combined permit application form.

(c) The contents of permit applications must be consistent with WAC 173-27-180 and Pullman City Code.

(d) Where this SMP requires more information than the minimum required by WAC 173-27-180, the SMP Administrator may vary or waive requirements beyond WAC 173-27-180 if the information is unnecessary to process the application.

(e) At the time of application, the applicant must pay the application fee as set by resolution of the Pullman City Council.

(6) Shoreline Substantial Development Permit.

(a) A Shoreline Substantial Development Permit shall be required for all development of shorelines, unless the proposal is specifically exempt per Subsection 16.55.160(2) (Exemptions from a Substantial Development Permit) or is not subject to the SMP per Section 16.55.050 (Applicability).

(b) A Shoreline Substantial Development Permit shall be granted only when the development proposed is consistent with:

(i) The policies and procedures of the SMA;

(ii) The provisions of WAC 173-27; and

(iii) This SMP.

(c) The City may attach conditions to the approval of permits as necessary to assure consistency of the project with the SMA and this SMP.

(d) Nothing shall interfere with the City’s ability to require compliance with all other applicable plans and laws.

(7) Shoreline Conditional Use Permit. A Shoreline Conditional Use Permit is intended to allow for the flexibility and the exercise of judgement in the application of regulations in a manner consistent with the policies of the Act and this Master Program. While not prohibited, these uses are an exception to the general rule.

(a) Uses specifically classified or set forth in this SMP as conditional uses shall be subject to review and condition by the Hearing Examiner and by Ecology. Shoreline Conditional Use Permit applications shall be processed consistent with this SMP and Chapter 17.125 (Conditional Use Permits).

(b) Other uses which are not classified or listed or set forth in this SMP may be authorized as conditional uses provided the applicant can demonstrate consistency with the requirements of this Section and the requirements for conditional uses contained in this SMP.

(c) Uses which are specifically prohibited by this SMP may not be authorized as a conditional use.

(d) Uses which are classified or set forth in this SMP as conditional uses may be authorized provided that the applicant demonstrates that the criteria in WAC 173-27-160(1) have been met.

(e) In the granting of all Shoreline Conditional Use Permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions in the area. For example, if Shoreline Conditional Use Permits were granted for other developments in the area where similar circumstances exist, the total of the conditional uses shall also remain consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58.020 and shall not produce substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment.

(8) Shoreline Variance.

(a) The purpose of a variance is to grant relief to specific bulk or dimensional requirements set forth in this SMP where there are extraordinary or unique circumstances relating to the property such that the strict implementation of this SMP would impose unnecessary hardships on the applicant or thwart the policies set forth in RCW 90.58.020. Variances from the use regulations of the SMP are prohibited. Shoreline Variance applications shall be processed consistent with this SMP and Chapter 17.130 (Variances).

(b) Shoreline Variance permits should be granted in circumstances where denial of the permit would conflict with the goals of the SMA as listed in RCW 90.58.020. In all instances, the applicant must demonstrate that extraordinary circumstances exist and the public interest shall suffer no substantial detrimental effect.

(c) Shoreline Variance permits for development and/or uses that will be located landward of the OHWM, as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(b), and/or landward of any wetland as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(h), may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate that the criteria in WAC 173-27-170(2) have been met.

(d) Shoreline Variance permits for development and/or uses that will be located waterward of the OHWM, as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(b), or within any wetland as defined in RCW 90.58.030(2)(h), may be authorized provided the applicant can demonstrate that the criteria in WAC 173-27-170(3) have been met.

(e) In the granting of all Shoreline Variance permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional requests for like actions in the area. For example, if variances were granted to other developments and/or uses in the area where similar circumstances exist, the total of the variances shall also remain consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58.020 and shall not cause substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 16-3 §17, 2016).