16.55.050 Applicability.
(1) Unless specifically exempted by statute, all proposed uses and development occurring within the shoreline jurisdiction must conform to chapter 90.58 RCW, the Shoreline Management Act and this Master Program whether or not a permit is required.
(2) Except as described in Subsection 16.55.050(3), all proposed uses and development occurring within shoreline jurisdiction must conform to the intent and requirements of the laws and rules cited in Section 16.55.020 (Adoption Authority).
(3) This SMP does not apply to the following activities:
(a) Consistent with Section 16.55.100 (Definitions), WAC 173-26-020 (Definitions), and WAC 173-26-241(3)(a), as amended, agricultural activities on agricultural lands as of the date of adoption of the SMP.
(b) Interior building improvements that do not change the use or occupancy;
(c) Exterior structure maintenance activities, including painting and roofing, as long as it does not expand the existing footprint of the structure;
(d) Routine landscape maintenance of established, ornamental landscaping, such as lawn mowing, pruning and weeding; and
(e) As of the effective date of the SMP, legal pre-existing residential uses and structures where no change or new activity is proposed.
(4) Activities that are exempt from the permit system in Subsection 16.55.160(2) shall comply with this SMP whether or not a permit or other form of authorization is required.
(5) The shoreline permit procedures, policies and regulations established in this SMP shall apply City-wide to all non-federal uses, activities, and development.
(6) This SMP applies to lands subject to non-federal ownership, lease or easement, even though such lands may fall within the external boundaries of a federal ownership.
(7) This SMP does not apply to annexed areas unless the requirements of WAC 173-26-150 and 160 are complied with. The City has predesignated shorelines in the urban growth area. Until annexed, development in these areas shall be regulated by the Whitman County Shoreline Master Program. Once annexed, those properties shall be regulated by the City of Pullman Shoreline Master Program.
(8) A proposed project or plan shall become vested to this Shoreline Master Program on the date a determination of completeness is made on a shoreline permit or exemption application. Thereafter, the application shall be reviewed under the shoreline regulations in effect on the date of vesting; provided, in the event an applicant substantially changes the proposal after a determination of completeness, as determined by the SMP Administrator, the application shall not be considered vested until a new determination of completeness on the changes is made. (Ord. 16-3 §6, 2016).