1.20.030 Director – Duties.
The Director of Community Development shall have the following duties:
(1) Provides leadership and management oversight for the City’s community planning, economic development, environmental protection, historic preservation, permitting, and building inspection functions.
(2) Plans, organizes, directs, and manages the day-to-day zoning code implementation and long-term comprehensive plan activities of the planning team within the Department of Community Development.
(3) Develops and manages the City’s planning and development regulation program implementation. As such, prepares and manages the City’s comprehensive planning program, supervises the development of planning programs and manages tasks related to developmental land use, zoning, regulatory enforcement and data management and research.
(4) Administers development, land use, environmental, and historic preservation regulations, processes land use applications, conducts research and field investigations, and makes recommendations and decisions as appropriate; interprets development regulations, often through formal written analysis; enforces development regulations in accordance with city code.
(5) Works closely with the City Administrator, City Council, other City departments, a variety of public and private organizations, and citizens groups in developing programs and implementing projects to solve problems related to the community development function. Advises the City Administrator and City Council on related issues and programs.
(6) Oversees development of regular Comprehensive Plan Updates.
(7) Supervises planning staff, Building Official, Economic Development Manager and other staff as appropriate.
(8) Prepares, presents, monitors and controls department biannual and capital budgets.
(9) Oversees selection and management of consultants and contractors as necessary and authorizes payment of services.
(10) Plans and provides for adequate department staffing, training, supplies and facilities.
(11) Provides strategic and policy direction to the department in areas including planning, financial management and policy development and interpretation.
(12) Serves as the City’s State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Official.
(13) Leads the Site Plan Review Committee and process.
(14) Oversees the business of the City’s Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and Hearing Examiner.
(15) Processes population and demographic data for the City, including local management and promotion of the decennial Census, and preparation of the annual City population estimate for use by the State. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 21-15 §1, 2021; Ord. 18-25 §9, 2018; Ord. 99-24 §1, 1999).