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(1) Every Subscriber wishing to operate an alarm system within the city of Pullman shall make application to the Police Department and receive approval before activating their alarm system.

(2) Alarm system registration is issued to a Subscriber having bona fide ownership or control of an alarm system.

(a) Alarm system registration remains in the name(s) of the Subscriber(s) of record until a change of ownership or control of the alarm system occurs.

(3) Alarm system registration is attached to the Subscriber and the alarm system registration is not transferrable. A new alarm system registration must be applied for and issued whenever there is a change of ownership or control of an alarm system.

(4) Alarm system registration applications shall be available at the Police Department and on the City’s website on the Police Department Applications webpage. Upon request to the Police Department, if a Subscriber has difficulty physically accessing the Police Department or finding such application online, a Subscriber may request that such application be mailed to them.

(5) Alarm system registration applications shall be submitted to the Police Department within thirty (30) days of:

(a) The initial alarm system installment; and

(b) When the person to be designated as the Subscriber for an alarm system changes.

(6) On receipt of a completed and signed alarm system registration application and applicable registration fee, the Police Department shall review and consider the application and, if approved, shall issue an alarm system registration number to the Subscriber.

(7) The alarm system registration number assigned to a Subscriber remains the same for as long as the Subscriber continuously maintains registration for the alarm system.

(8) The rate for alarm registration is Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per year. If the alarm system has two (2) or more false alarms during the registration year, the subsequent year’s registration fee shall increase to Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per year. If the alarm system has one (1) or less false alarms during the registration year, the subsequent year’s registration fee shall be Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per year.

(a) The annual registration fee shall be due January 1 of each calendar year. Initial registration fees that are paid at another time during the calendar year shall be prorated for the number of months left in the calendar year, and shall be due at the same time the alarm system registration application is submitted.

(9) The established registration fees shall assure that all costs related to administration of the City’s alarm registration system to further the purpose as set forth in PCC 6.99.010 are supported entirely by registration fees. (Ord. 22-15 §5, 2022).