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(1) Criteria for Determining Designation in the Register. Any building, structure, site, object, or district may be designated for inclusion in the Pullman Register of Historic Places if it is significantly associated with the history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or cultural heritage of the community; if it has integrity; is at least 50 years old, or is of lesser age and has exceptional importance; and if it falls in at least one of the following categories:

(a) is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national, state, or local history;

(b) embodies the distinctive architectural characteristics of a type, period, style, or method of design or construction, or represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction;

(c) is an outstanding work of a designer, builder, or architect who has made a substantial contribution to the art;

(d) exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city’s cultural, special, economic, political, aesthetic, engineering, or architectural history;

(e) is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state, or local history;

(f) has yielded or may be likely to yield important archaeological information related to history or prehistory;

(g) is a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for architectural value, or which is the only surviving structure significantly associated with an historic person or event;

(h) is a birthplace or grave of an historical figure of outstanding importance and is the only surviving structure or site associated with that person;

(i) is a cemetery which derives its primary significance from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events, or cultural patterns;

(j) is a reconstructed building that has been executed in an historically accurate manner on the original site; or

(k) is a creative and unique example of folk architecture and design created by persons not formally trained in the architectural or design professions, and which does not fit into formal architectural or historical categories.

(2) Process for Designating Properties or Districts to the Register.

(a) Any person may nominate a building, structure, site, object, or district for inclusion in the Pullman Register of Historic Places. Members of the Historic Preservation Commission or the commission as a whole may generate nominations. In its nomination decision, the commission shall consider the Pullman inventory of historic resources and the city comprehensive plan.

(b) In the case of individual properties, the nomination shall include the written consent of the owner(s) of the subject property. The nomination documentation shall also include the UTM reference and all features – interior and exterior – of principal structures and accessory buildings that contribute to its significance.

(c) In the case of districts, the nomination shall include a description of the boundaries of the district; the characteristics of the district which justify its inclusion on the register; and a list of all properties including features, structures, sites, and objects which contribute to the significance of the district. The nomination documentation shall also include the written consent of the owners of at least 60 percent of the total number of distinct properties located within the proposed district.

(d) The commission shall consider the nomination at a public meeting. Notice of the nomination shall be given to the public, the owner(s) of all properties that are the subject of the nomination and the authors of the nomination, if different, and lessees, if any, of any subject property, at least 30 days prior to the public meeting in accordance with rules established by the commission pursuant to Subsection 16.60.040(4). Such notice shall include publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city and posting of the property.

(e) The Historic Preservation Commission shall consider the merits of the nomination, according to the criteria in Subsection 16.60.050(1), and according to nomination review standards that may be established by the commission pursuant to Subsection 16.60.040(4). If the commission finds that the nominated property or district is eligible for the register, the commission shall list the property or district in the register. The public, the authors of the nomination, and the owner(s) of the subject property(ies) shall be notified of the listing.

(3) Effects of Listing on the Register.

(a) Listing on the Pullman Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation denoting significant association with the historic, archaeological, engineering, or cultural heritage of the community. Properties are listed individually or as located within an historic district.

(b) Prior to the commencement of any work on an historic property as defined herein or any property located within an historic district as defined herein, excluding ordinary repair and maintenance and emergency measures defined in Section 16.60.030, the owner or his/her authorized agent must request and receive a Certificate of Alteration from the commission for the proposed work. Violation of this provision shall be grounds for the commission to review the historic property or historic district for removal from the Register.

(c) Prior to whole or partial demolition of an historic property as defined herein or any property located within an historic district as defined herein, the owner must request and receive a Certificate of Demolition.

(d) Once the city of Pullman is approved as a Certified Local Government, only historic properties listed on the Pullman Register of Historic Places are eligible for special tax valuation in accordance with the provisions of Section 16.60.070.

(4) Process for Removing Properties or Districts from the Register. In the event that any property or district is no longer deemed appropriate for designation on the Pullman Register of Historic Places, the Historic Preservation Commission, the owner of the subject property, or any owner within the subject district may propose the removal of that property or district from the register by the same procedure set forth in Subsection 16.60.050(2) for designating a property or district on the register. Owner consent for removal of a property or district from the register is not required.

(5) Appeal of Decisions to Designate or Remove Properties on Register. Any aggrieved party may appeal a decision of the Historic Preservation Commission to designate or remove a property or district on the Pullman Register of Historic Places. Said appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk and shall be accompanied by an appeal fee, the amount of which shall be set by resolution of the City Council. An appeal of such a decision shall be heard by the city hearing examiner in accordance with the procedures set forth in Pullman City Code Section 16.39.170. (Ord. 10-26 §7, 2010).