6.94.100 Revocation, Suspension and Penalties.
(1) The License Officer, or on review the Hearing Examiner, may revoke or refuse to issue a Transportation License if the licensee or applicant has violated any of the provisions of this chapter. A violation includes any and all failures to meet or maintain any of the requirements or qualifications set forth in this chapter for obtaining a Transportation License and the making of a materially false statement in the affidavit required under Pullman City Code 6.94.010. The decision to revoke or refuse to issue a Transportation License may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 6.01 of the Pullman City Code.
(2) Upon a violation of this chapter, the License Officer may assess an administrative penalty of $250.00 per violation, up to a maximum of $10,000.00. The failure of the licensee to pay a penalty assessment automatically suspends the license until such time as it is paid. The License Officer, City Finance Director or their designee are hereby authorized to use any lawful means to collect penalties assessed under this chapter, including the use of a collection agency. Suspensions, revocations and penalties are suspended during the course of hearing, appeal and review unless the appeals officer finds that the licensee or applicant’s claim is meritless. (Ord. 17-10 §12, 2017).