17.75.080 Development Standards.
(1) Minimum Lot Size and Width.
(a) In R1, RT and R2: The minimum lot size shall be 6,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of sixty (60) feet or twenty-five (25) percent of lot depth, whichever is greater.
(b) In R3 and R4: The minimum lot size shall be 5,000 square feet with a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet or twenty-five (25) percent of lot depth, whichever is greater.
(c) Exceptions to the requirements of 17.75.080(1)(a) and (b) may be allowed for the following:
(i) Lots in PRDs may be of reduced size and width but must comply with the basic density of the underlying zone district, but the basic density of the underlying zone district may be exceeded if special features are incorporated into the design for which bonus density points are awarded pursuant to the provisions of 17.107.040(2)(b) and (c).
(ii) Lots in townhouse developments may be of reduced size and width as provided in Chapter 17.108, but must comply with the basic density of the underlying zone district.
(iii) Open space lots may be of reduced size and width provided a notation is made on a final plat, short plat, or other document acceptable to the City Planner to ensure that said lots will be reserved as open space lots; the instrument upon which such a notation is made shall be filed with the Whitman County Auditor.
(iv) The city planner may approve of the creation of lot area and width up to fifteen (15) percent smaller than the minimum requirements of 17.75.080(1)(a) and (b) as an administrative Variance pursuant to Chapter 17.130, if there is no significant impact on adjoining properties.
(2) Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit. In the residential districts the minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be as follows:
District | Minimum Lot Area |
R1 | 6,000 sq. ft. |
RT | 4,500 sq. ft. |
R2 | 3,000 sq. ft. |
R3 | 1,500 sq. ft. |
R4 | 1,000 sq. ft.; |
in this district only, the hearing examiner may reduce this limitation to as low as five hundred (500) sq. ft. and issue a conditional use permit for such reduction.
(3) Maximum Residential Density. The maximum densities allowed in residential districts are as follows:
(a) Basic Density. The number of dwelling units permitted in any residential district shall be determined by dividing the net acreage by the minimum lot area per dwelling unit required by the zone districts in which the lots are located.
(b) PRD Bonus Density. In PRDs, a maximum twenty (20) percent increase in density above the level specified in the preceding subsubsection (3)(a) is permitted if all density bonuses are utilized.
(c) Average Number of Dwelling Units. The average number of dwelling units per net acre permitted in the residential districts based on subsections (3)(a) and(3)(b) above, is as follows:
District | Basic Density | PRD Bonus Density |
R1 | 7 | 8 |
RT | 10 | 12 |
R2 | 15 | 18 |
R3 | 29 | 34 |
R4 | 44 | 52 |
(4) Maximum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit.
(a) In the R3 and R4 districts, the maximum lot area per dwelling unit shall be as follows:
District | Maximum Lot Area |
R3 | 6,000 sq. ft. |
R4 | 4,500 sq. ft. |
(b) In the event that an owner can clearly demonstrate that, due to environmental and/or physical constraints associated with a particular lot, it is appropriate for the requirements of this subsection to be modified, the city planner may allow for a larger maximum lot area per dwelling unit ratio by means of an administrative variance pursuant to Chapter 17.130, provided all other applicable criteria for granting an administrative variance are met.
(5) Maximum Building and Structure Coverage. The maximum portion of a lot area that may be occupied by buildings and structures shall be as follows:
District | Maximum Building Coverage |
R1 & RT | 35% |
R2 | 40% |
R3 | 50% |
R4 | 60% |
Exceptions to these requirements may be allowed for individual townhouse lots as provided in Chapter 17.108 and individual PRD lots as provided in Chapter 17.107, provided that the total coverage of all the individual buildings and structures in townhouse developments shall not exceed these requirements.
(6) Maximum Building and Structure Height. The maximum height of a building or structure shall be as follows:
(a) In R1, RT and R2: thirty-five (35) feet above grade.
(b) In R3: forty-five (45) feet above grade.
(c) In R4: fifty (50) feet above grade.
(d) Accessory buildings in any residential district cannot exceed sixteen (16) feet above grade; except that on parcels of one (1) acre or more, accessory buildings may be thirty-five (35) feet above grade in height if their setback equals or exceeds the height of the building.
(7) Minimum Required Yards. In all residential districts each lot shall have minimum yards of not less than the following dimensions unless otherwise provided in this Chapter, Section 17.35.020(2) (General Exceptions to Yard Requirements), Chapter 17.107 (Planned Residential Development), or Chapter 17.108 (Townhouses):
(a) Front yard: 15 feet
(b) Rear yard: 10 feet
(c) Side Yard, Interior: 5 feet
Flanking street: 15 feet
(d) In the R3 and R4; districts, the front yard may be reduced from 15 feet to as low as 5 feet if the main entrance to the building(s) faces the front lot line and the front yard contains no parking spaces.
(8) Garages and Carports. In addition to the other development standards contained in this Chapter, the standards below shall apply to garages and carports in all residential districts.
(a) Minimum Required Yards. All garages and carports which have the main entrance perpendicular to a street shall have a minimum yard of twenty (20) feet adjacent to that street. Garages and carports for which the main entrance is not perpendicular to the street from which access is gained shall have a driveway at least twenty (20) feet in length from the edge of the main entrance of the garage or carport to the edge of the property line abutting the street from which access is obtained.
(b) Design. All garages and carports, be they attached to or detached from the principal building(s) on a lot, shall be designed to meet at least one of the following criteria:
(i) the setback for the garage or carport from an adjacent street is equal to or greater than some other part of the façade;
(ii) the garage or carport is limited to no more than sixty (60) percent of the width of the façade on which the vehicular entrance to the garage or carport is located;
(iii) the floor level of the garage or carport is four (4) feet or more below the grade of the street from which access is gained at the driveway to said garage or carport;
(iv) the vehicular entrance to the garage or carport is placed at more than a forty-five (45) degree angle to a lot line abutting an adjacent street; or,
(v) an architectural feature(s), such as a bedroom-size window, pedestrian door, or balcony, is installed in a garage wall facing an adjacent street or said architectural feature is installed on a wall or dormer located directly above the vehicular entrance to the garage or carport and within ten (10) horizontal feet of the vehicular entrance to the garage or carport.
As used in this Paragraph, “adjacent street” means a street that abuts a lot line of the lot on which the garage or carport is located.
(9) Open Space Required for all Multi-Family Buildings and Townhouses. Open space equal to twenty (20) percent of the net acreage shall be devoted to landscaping and/or outdoor recreational facilities for all multi-family buildings and townhouses. Driveways, loading areas, and parking areas except landscaping in parking areas shall not be counted as part of this required space. This open space shall be covered with pervious ground cover, except in the case of a tennis court, swimming pool, or similar use which requires a special surface.
(10) High Density/Low Density Transition Area Standards. Where a lot in a high density residential district (defined in this subsection as an R3 or R4 district)
is located adjacent to a lot in a low density residential district (defined in this subsection as an R1, RT, or R2 district), the following standards shall apply:
(a) Maximum Building and Lot Coverage. For a lot in a high density residential district contiguous to or across a street or alley from a low density residential district, the maximum portion of the lot area that may be occupied by buildings and structures shall be forty (40) percent.
(b) Minimum Required Yards.
(i) A lot in a high density residential district that is contiguous to a lot in a low density residential district shall have a minimum interior side yard of fifteen (15) feet and minimum rear yard of fifteen (15) feet. The minimum yard requirements set forth in this Subparagraph apply only when the yard(s) is contiguous to a low density residential district.
(ii) Where buildings or structures exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height on the interior sides or rear of a lot adjoining property in a low density residential district, the minimum side or rear yard shall be fifteen (15) feet plus one (1) foot for every one (1) foot of height over thirty-five (35) feet.
(c) Balconies. For a lot in a high density residential district, balconies located within fifty (50) feet of a low density residential district shall be prohibited on walls that face a low density residential district. A wall is considered to be facing a district when it is visible from said district and it is angled less than ninety (90) degrees in relation to the boundary of said district.
(d) Screening and Landscaping. Screening and landscaping of lots in a high density residential district that abut a low density residential district are required as set forth in 17.45.050.
(11) Infill Development Standards. In addition to the development standards of 17.75.080(1)-(10), infill development shall conform to the standards below. Where the provisions of this subsection conflict with the provisions of 17.75.080(1)-(10) or other provisions contained in this Title, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.
(a) Setback. Buildings shall be set back from the adjoining street(s) at least as far as the buildings on abutting residentially zoned lots fronting on said adjoining street(s).
(b) Orientation and Entrances. Unless concealed behind natural obstructions, buildings shall be oriented to the fronting street so that the main entrance(s) is plainly visible from said street.
(c) Building Coverage. The maximum portion of the lot area that may be occupied by buildings or structures shall be 125 percent of the largest building coverage for buildings or structures on any of the abutting occupied residentially zoned lots that adjoin the same street as the lot on which the infill development is established.
(d) Building Height. The maximum height of a building or structure shall be 125 percent of the greatest building height for a building or structure on any of the abutting occupied residentially zoned lots that adjoin the same street as the lot on which the infill development is established.
(e) Roof Pitch. The roof pitch for buildings or structures shall be within the range of 75 to 125 percent of the average roof slope for buildings on abutting occupied residentially zoned lots that adjoin the same street as the lot on which the infill development is established.
(f) Modification of Standards. In the event that an owner can clearly demonstrate that, due to environmental or physical constraints, or due to exceptional circumstances associated with an abutting lot(s), it is appropriate for the standards of this subsection to be modified, the city planner may grant an administrative variance in accordance with Chapter 17.130 to so modify one or more of the standards herein, provided all other applicable criteria for granting an administrative variance are met. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 03-33 §33, 2003; Ord. 02-32 §9, 2002; Ord. 01-5 §10, 2001; Ord. 89-13 §2, 1989; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).