17.185.020 Appealable Staff Decisions.
Any aggrieved party may appeal administrative decisions of staff on the following matters to the hearing examiner;
(1) classifications of uses not specified in the Use Chart, Section 17.70.030;
(2) interpretations of the Official Zoning Map;
(3) interpretations of the text of Title 17;
(4) approved site plans reviewed under the provisions of Chapter 17.135;
(5) permits or approvals required by this Title;
(6) Notices of Violation and Orders to Correct or Cease Activity;
(7) a denial, approval, or conditional approval of floodplain development permit; or a written interpretation of the Floodplain Boundary maps; and
(8) nuisance abatement and abatement costs arising from Title 5, Health and Sanitation, of the Pullman City Code. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 07-9 §2, 2007; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).