17.135.080 Limitations.
In carrying out the authority and duties assigned by this Chapter, the SPRC, director or hearing examiner shall observe the following limitations:
(1) review shall not be of land use decisions or construction code decisions, but shall be restricted to a prompt, reasonable, and professional review of the proposal and plans, leaving full responsibility for design and development to the applicant. Any required changes to the proposal and plans shall be made by the applicant, not by staff, the SPRC, director or the hearing examiner.
(2) only the applicant’s failure to provide the necessary elements required for review in 17.135.060 and to satisfy the criteria set forth in 17.135.070 shall justify disapproval of a proposal.
(3) account shall be taken of cost considerations, but these considerations shall not be overriding.
(4) modifications and conditions shall be limited to changing and/or adding the following:
(a) the location, dimensions of, and the types of improvements to be made on property to be dedicated to the public or for public utilities including, but not limited to, street rights-of-way and utility easements;
(b) the location, size, and dimensions of yards, courtyards, setbacks, and all other open spaces between buildings and structures;
(c) the location, dimensions, and types of driveways, curbs, gutters, parking areas, walkways, means of ingress and egress, and drainage;
(d) the location, size, bulk, exterior surfaces, height and number of stories of all buildings and structures, including signs and fences;
(e) the location, size, dimensions, and materials used in landscaped areas;
(f) the extent of grading conducted at the site to observe the provisions of 17.35.085 and to reduce impacts on surrounding properties;
(g) the location, size, dimensions, materials, and screening of refuse facilities;
(h) the proposal so as to require the installation or improvement to city standards of adjacent streets, including paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, turn lanes, signage, and signals when the director determines that traffic movements generated by the new private development warrant such installation or improvement. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 03-33 §8, 2003; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).