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Each application for site plan review shall contain the following information:

(1) an environmental checklist when required;

(2) the title of the proposed development, its location by both address and legal description, together with the applicant’s name, address, and telephone number and the owner’s name, address, and telephone number if the applicant is not the owner; and, if applicable, the name, address, and telephone number of any architect, planner, designer, or engineer responsible for preparation of the plan and of any authorized representative of the applicant;

(3) a written description of the scope of the project, the nature and size in gross floor area of each use, and the total amount of square feet to be covered by impervious surfaces;

(4) a reproducible site plan drawn to a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet on a sheet(s) with minimum dimensions of eight and one-half (8½) inches by eleven (11) inches and maximum dimensions of twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches showing the proposed layout of structures and other site development including the following:

(a) dimensions and orientation of the property;

(b) location and dimensions of buildings and structures, both existing and proposed;

(c) location and layout of off-street parking and loading facilities and pedestrian access separate from vehicular driveways;

(d) location of points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and the internal circulation pattern;

(e) location of walls and fences with an indication of their height and construction;

(f) placement of exterior lighting and the height and type thereof;

(g) location, size, and height of all exterior signs;

(h) a grading plan adequate to show all new cuts and fills and changes in drainage prepared as required by the provisions of the city of Pullman Design Standards. Grading plans shall include provisions for drainage and erosion control during construction.

(i) the heights of both existing and proposed buildings and structures;

(j) location of refuse facilities including the location and proposed screening of solid waste dumpsters and self-contained, liquid-tight, compacting solid waste containers;

(k) the proposed use of buildings shown on the site;

(l) the location of required buffer areas, yards, and open spaces;

(m) the location of all existing and proposed easements;

(n) the location of all existing and proposed utility structures and lines including connections to the public water and sewer lines;

(o) the location and capacity of stormwater drainage systems including roof drains, subdrains, and surface drainage for existing and proposed buildings, structures, and parking lots. Storm drainage discharge shall be to the public storm drain system, or to an existing natural drainage course. Where development will increase the amount of storm water runoff, peak runoff volume, or change the location of a storm water runoff discharge point, provisions such as procedures for retention, detention, and energy dissipation must be made to protect downstream property from erosion and flooding. Approval of any such procedure shall not create liability on the part of the city, any officer or employee thereof for any erosion or flood damage that may occur to property whether downstream or not;

(p) the location of existing and proposed fire hydrants within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the proposed buildings or structures;

(q) a signature block with space for signatures for the approval of the director or hearing examiner, whichever is appropriate depending on the method of approval;

(5) architectural drawings, drawn to scale, of all exterior elevations with exterior surfaces and colors specified;

(6) a topographic map delineating contours, existing and proposed, at intervals of five (5) feet and locating existing streams, marshes, and other natural features;

(7) a landscape plan drawn to a scale of not less than one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet which may be combined with the site plan showing the location and description of landscaped areas;

(8) a vicinity map;

(9) the existing zone district of the proposed development site and any other zone district adjacent to the site. (Ord. 22-2 §8, 2022; Ord. 03-33 §56, 2003; Ord. 90-16 §1, 1990; Ord. 87-9 §1, 1987).