17.127.040 Permit Special Exceptions.
A special use permit for a historic structure must satisfy the criteria set forth in 17.127.030. In order to do so, the following special exceptions may be granted:
(1) increase or decrease the required lot size or yard dimensions;
(2) increase or decrease street widths;
(3) control the location and number of access points to the property;
(4) increase or decrease the number and location of off-street parking and loading spaces required;
(5) limit or increase the number, type, and allowable square footage of signs;
(6) limit the coverage or height of buildings because of obstructions to view and reduction of light or air to adjacent property;
(7) limit or prohibit openings in sides of buildings or structures or expand requirements for screening or landscaping where necessary to reduce noise and glare and maintain the property in a character in keeping with the surrounding area;
(8) establish requirements under which any future enlargement or alteration of the use shall be reviewed by the city and new conditions imposed; and,
(9) establish regulations for the use of the property as necessary to protect nearby property or improvements from detrimental effects of the proposed use, such as limiting the hours of operation or number of employees. (Ord. 89-8 §4, 1989).