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(1) Policies.

(a) Allow breakwaters, jetties, and groins to be located waterward of the OHWM only where necessary to support water‐dependent uses, public access, shoreline stabilization, or other specific public purpose.

(b) Consider alternative structures with less impact where physical conditions make such alternatives feasible.

(2) Regulations.

(a) Breakwaters, jetties, weirs and groins may be allowed only as part of an approved watershed basin restoration project approved by the City and upon acquisition of any required state or federal permits.

(b) Breakwaters, jetties, and groins shall be limited to the minimum size necessary.

(c) Breakwaters, jetties, and groins must be designed to protect critical areas, and shall implement mitigation sequencing to achieve no net loss of ecological functions.

(d) Proposed designs for new or expanded structures shall be designed by qualified professionals, including both an engineer and a biologist.

(e) Permit requirements and the level of approval required is regulated by Table 16.55.320-1 in Section 16.55.320. (Ord. 16-3 §53, 2016).