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(1) Policies.

(a) Allow for new, expanded, and maintained utilities with criteria for location and vegetation restoration as appropriate.

(b) Minimize physical and aesthetic disturbance to the shoreline when siting utilities. When feasible, utilities should be placed underground or designed to do minimal damage to aesthetic qualities of the shoreline.

(2) Regulations.

(a) Preference shall be given to utility systems contained within the footprint of an existing right-of-way or utility easement over new locations for utility systems.

(b) Utility projects within shoreline jurisdiction shall be designed to achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological function, preserve the natural landscape, and minimize conflicts with present and planned land and shoreline uses while meeting the needs of future populations in areas planned to accommodate growth.

(c) Utility projects within shoreline jurisdiction shall comply with the Environmental Protection regulations of Section 16.55.250.

(d) Utility production and processing facilities, such as power plants and sewage treatment plants, or parts of those facilities, that are nonwater-oriented shall not be allowed in shoreline areas unless it can be demonstrated that no other feasible option is available.

(e) Transmission facilities for the conveyance of services, such as power lines, cables, and pipelines, shall be located outside of the shoreline area where feasible and when necessarily located within the shoreline area shall assure no net loss of shoreline ecological functions.

(f) Development of pipelines and cables in shoreline jurisdiction, particularly those running roughly parallel to the shoreline, and development of facilities that may require periodic maintenance which disrupt shoreline ecological functions should be discouraged except where no other feasible alternative exists. When permitted, provisions shall assure that the facilities do not result in net loss of shoreline ecological functions or significant impacts to other shoreline resources and values.

(g) Installation of utilities across watercourses shall be accomplished by boring beneath the scour depth and hyporheic zone of the waterbody and channel migration zone, where feasible.

(h) Utilities shall cross at an angle greater than 60 degrees to the centerline of the channel in streams or perpendicular to the channel centerline whenever boring under the channel is not feasible.

(i) Utility installation shall not increase or decrease the natural rate of shore migration or channel migration.

(j) Existing utility services routed through shoreline areas shall not be a sole justification for more intense development. (Ord. 16-3 §50, 2016).