16.55.380 Frequently Flooded Areas.
(1) Classification. The flood areas in the City are classified as either one of two types:
(a) Floodway. Floodways are defined as the channel of a stream and adjacent land areas which are required to carry and discharge the flood water or flood flows of any river or stream associated with a regulatory flood.
(b) Flood Fringe. The flood fringe is defined as that land area which is outside a stream’s floodway, but is subject to periodic inundation due to flooding, associated with a regulatory flood.
(2) Designation and Mapping. All areas within the City meeting the frequently flooded definition, regardless of any formal identification, are hereby designated critical areas and are subject to the provisions of this Chapter. The approximate location and extent of frequently flooded areas are shown on the pertinent City critical area map. This map is to be used as a guide for the City, project applicants, and property owners, and will be periodically updated as new information becomes available. This map is a reference and does not provide a final critical area designation. Frequently flooded areas have been accurately delineated based on hydrologic and hydraulic studies completed as part of the National Flood Insurance Program by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in May 1981, as amended. The methodology and detail of these studies is accepted as the most current, accurate, and complete scientific and technical information available.
(3) Existing Regulations. Chapter 17.100 of the Pullman City Code regulates proposed activities adjacent to or within frequently flooded areas. If allowed, any structures permitted in the designated flood areas are subject to strict flood-proofing regulations. (Ord. 16-3 §39, 2016).