16.55.200 Shoreline Goals.
(1) Shoreline Use.
(a) Support shoreline uses that are consistent with the existing and historic pattern of development in the City of Pullman to maintain and enhance the local economy and expand visual and physical public access to the shoreline.
(b) Promote the best use of the City of Pullman shoreline through encouraging shoreline development and modifications that are placed wisely, consistent with the physical limitations of the area; serve the needs and desires of the local citizens; and protect the functions and values of the shorelines.
(c) Assure a distribution and pattern of land use along the shoreline that balances protection of the existing character of the City as well as the shoreline environments, habitat, and ecological systems.
(2) Economic Development.
(a) Promote local economic opportunities and encourage development along shorelines that is compatible with existing environmental conditions and the desired land use character of the City of Pullman’s shorelines. Shoreline economic growth and prosperity should take into account the historic development pattern and existing character of the built environment.
(b) Permit those commercial, industrial, recreational, and other developments that are appropriately located along the shoreline and which may contribute to the economic well-being of the City of Pullman while achieving no net loss of ecological function.
(c) Promote new water-dependent, water-related, and water-enjoyment economic development, with preference given to water-dependent uses, then water-related uses and water-enjoyment uses.
(3) Public Access.
(a) Preserve and protect opportunities for the public to enjoy the physical and aesthetic qualities of the City of Pullman’s shorelines.
(b) Ensure an adequate supply of safe public access to the City of Pullman’s shoreline.
(c) Encourage that alteration to the natural conditions of the shorelines, in those limited instances when authorized, shall be given priority for development that provides opportunity for substantial numbers of people to enjoy the shorelines of the state, while maintaining no net loss of ecological function.
(4) Recreation.
(a) Protect and expand opportunities for recreation in the City of Pullman’s shoreline areas, including but not limited to parks and other recreational areas.
(b) Encourage and maximize water-oriented recreational opportunities along the shoreline.
(5) Conservation.
(a) Encourage sound management of renewable shoreline resources and protection of non-renewable shoreline resources.
(b) Achieve sustainability of resource functions and values and no-net-loss of ecological functions by allowing shoreline development and modifications when impacts are minimized through mitigation sequencing and by encouraging and incentivizing restoration of ecological functions where they have been impaired.
(c) Promote and protect the scenic aesthetic quality of shoreline areas and vistas to the greatest extent feasible.
(6) Transportation and Circulation.
(a) Address the location of existing and proposed transportation routes, terminals, and other public utilities and facilities used for the movement of people, vehicles, and goods and services in the City of Pullman’s shorelines.
(b) Maintain adequate safety, environmental, and aesthetic standards for existing and new transportation systems within shoreline jurisdiction.
(c) Minimize conflicts between systems of circulation and shoreline uses when considering additions or modifications.
(7) Restoration.
(a) Upgrade shoreline ecological functions and aesthetics to a level commensurate with their importance to the community and to achievement of regional goals for water quality and habitat recovery, such as through the projects, programs and plans established within the SMP Shoreline Restoration Plan.
(b) Facilitate the permitting for restoration projects, and coordinate with agencies, tribes, and non-profit groups to achieve effective restoration of shoreline ecological functions and maximize public funding.
(8) Archaeological, Historical, and Cultural Resources. Identify, preserve, protect and restore buildings, sites, or areas of the shoreline that have historic, cultural, archeological, scientific, or educational value.
(9) Flood Hazard Management. Protect the City of Pullman from losses and damage created by flooding along the shoreline. (Ord. 16-3 §21, 2016).