13.80.170 Improvements – Required.
(1) Roadways. All streets and alleys shall be improved by grading and constructing roadways consisting of asphaltic concrete paving or portland cement concrete and base aggregate courses.
(2) Curbs and Gutters. All streets shall be approved at each edge of the paved roadway with monolithic curbs and gutters.
(3) Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all streets; provided, that the City Council may waive part or all of this requirement where unusual physical conditions beyond the control of the developer make full compliance unfeasible or would cause unreasonably severe economic hardships or where it is determined that construction of sidewalks would be most appropriate at the time a building permit is issued for development on the proposed lots.
(4) Streetlights. Streetlights shall be installed by the developer at locations designated by the director.
(5) Storm Sewers. Surface drainage from streets and other areas shall be disposed of through an adequate system of gutters, storm sewers, detention ponds, pipes, or swales.
(6) Sanitary Sewers. Sanitary sewer facilities connecting to the existing city sewer system shall be installed to serve each lot and to grade, location, design, and size approved by the director.
(7) Potable Water System. A potable water distribution system including fire hydrants shall be installed to serve each lot.
(8) Capacity for Future Development. The capacities and dimensions of water, sewerage, drainage, and street facilities shall be adequate to provide for future needs of other undeveloped properties in the general vicinity. This may require extension of service through the property, or to the boundaries of the property.
(9) Street Name Signs. The developer shall pay the city for the cost of the street name signs and the installation necessary in the subdivision prior to installation.
(10) Public Walkways. Public walkways connecting cul-de-sac streets or cutting through long blocks shall be surfaced with concrete six feet in width from street to street.
(11) Survey Monuments. Concrete monuments shall be set at all corners of the subdivision, at all points where street lines intersect the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, at all points of curvature in each street or at points of intersections, in lieu of points of curvature when points in intersections are situated within street pavement, at all street intersections and at centers of cul-de-sacs.
All lot corners shall be marked with a five-eighths-inch steel bar, two feet long and driven flush with the finished grade. (Ord. 80-42 §18, 1980).