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The preliminary plat drawings required in Section 13.80.060 shall contain the following specific information:

(1) Proposed name of the plat or subdivision;

(2) Location by section, township, range, and/or by other legal description;

(3) Name, address, and phone number of the developer;

(4) Name, address, and phone number of the property owner;

(5) Name, address, and phone number of the registered land surveyor preparing the plat;

(6) Scale of plat, date, and north point;

(7) Existing topography of the land indicated by contours at five-foot intervals or less, except where a slope is in excess of fifty percent, then the interval may be ten feet. All elevation shall be based on city of Pullman datum;

(8) A vicinity sketch at a scale of not more than eight hundred feet to the inch showing the proposed plat in relation to surrounding property;

(9) Land use zoning classification and the floodplain zone classification;

(10) The land or lot divisions of adjoining properties within one hundred feet of the boundary of the plat;

(11) Location, widths, and names of existing or prior platted and proposed streets, railroad or utility right-of-way or easements, parks, or other public spaces, pedestrian walkways and existing permanent structures to be retained within and adjacent to the proposed plat. (In a replat the original lots, blocks, streets, and easements shall be shown in dotted lines in scale with the proposed replat.);

(12) Existing and proposed water and sewer lines, utilities on, under, or over the land showing approximate size, grades, and locations;

(13) Layout, approximate area, number, and appropriate dimensions of proposed lots;

(14) Location of all ditches, culverts, catchbasins, and other parts of the design for the control of surface water drainage;

(15) Typical roadway section right-of-way to right-of-way and approximate grade for all proposed streets. (Ord. 80-42 §9, 1980).