11.20.045 Permit deposits established by resolution.
(1) Before a permit is granted to any person, firm, or corporation to remove, break, excavate, destroy, or damage any street, highway, sidewalk, curb, or public place or any part thereof, paved or not paved, the permittee shall, in addition to the above permit and inspection fees to be paid to the Finance Director, pay an amount to be set by City Council resolution as a permit deposit.
(2) Inspections to be made by the Department of Public Works. Deposits will be refunded only when the permittee has restored the street, alley, highway, sidewalk, curb, pavement, or public place to approximate condition prior to work as determined by the Director of Public Works and in proper manner, providing that should the cost to the City of Pullman for labor and materials in completing the restoration exceed the amount of the deposit, the City shall have a cause of action against the permittee for the balance of the cost. In the event that the cost to the City of Pullman should be less than the amount of the deposit, the difference shall be refunded to the permittee. (Ord. 81-64 §2, 1981; Ord. B-159 §2, 1974).