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Credits allowed under this section shall not be cumulative. Credits or waivers granted by the Finance Director will become effective the billing month or cycle following the approval of the credit or waiver. Credits or waivers are not retroactive to current or prior billings and are only in effect beginning with the next billing cycle. Credits or waivers may be in effect for multiple future billing cycles provided that ongoing qualifying criteria are met. The Finance Director will take such time as necessary to process requests for credits or waivers in an orderly fashion.

(1) Credits for Properties Covered by Industrial or Municipal Stormwater Permits. The City Council recognizes that some parcel owners have been required or will be required to obtain coverage under a separate NPDES stormwater permit, which authorizes stormwater discharges associated with certain industrial or municipal activities. The City Council further recognizes that such permit holders are required to develop extensive stormwater management programs, which, when properly implemented, can reduce the discharge of pollutants into the public stormwater and surface water system and aid the City in controlling the overall effects of stormwater pollution. Parcels or portions of parcels that meet one of the criteria listed below, to the Finance Director’s satisfaction, shall receive a reduction of 20% from the annual fee charged under PCC 10.30.110 as currently enacted or hereafter amended for that portion of the parcels covered under an applicable NPDES stormwater permit.

(a) Any parcel that has an active and valid NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit. A copy of the permit and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided to the Finance Director.

(b) Any parcel that has an active and valid NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit. A copy of the permit and current version of the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) shall be provided to the Finance Director.

The property owner is responsible for providing all documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the above requirements. In the event that an applicable NPDES stormwater permit addresses only a portion of the total parcel, the credit will be applied to only that affected portion. Non-residential category property owners receiving credits shall agree to allow the City to periodically inspect/review any applicable on-site stormwater facilities and/or stormwater management activities conducted by permit holders. Failure to comply with these provisions may be cause for termination of the adjustment authorized by this section.

(2) Credit for Rainwater Harvesting Systems.

(a) Per RCW 35.67.020 (3), owners of new or remodeled residential/ commercial/ industrial/ institutional class buildings that utilize a properly constructed and maintained permissive rainwater harvesting system shall be eligible for a 10% credit applied toward that portion of their stormwater charge arising from the building upon which the system is used.

(b) Customers desiring this credit shall apply to the Finance Director and shall submit engineering design and operational information as deemed necessary by the Finance Director to make their evaluation and decision. The Finance Director will consider additional credit in excess of 10%, up to a maximum of 20%, based upon the amount of rainwater harvested. Rainwater harvesting and beneficial reuse of the runoff is found by the City Council to both reduce the burden imposed upon the system by the building by reducing runoff and to also have other beneficial water quality effects such as reduced consumption of potable water.

(3) Credits for Stormwater Best Management Practices.

(a) Owners of non-residential class properties that utilize a properly constructed and maintained stormwater best management practice designed in accordance with City of Pullman Design Standards to control flow (i.e. detention pond) shall be eligible for a 10% credit applied toward that portion of their stormwater charge arising from the impervious surface area from which the practice receives runoff.

(b) Owners of non-residential class properties that utilize a properly constructed and maintained stormwater best management practice designed in accordance with City of Pullman Design Standards to treat stormwater quality (i.e. bio-filtration) shall be eligible for a 10% credit applied toward that portion of their stormwater charge arising from the impervious surface area from which the practice receives runoff.

(c) Customers desiring this credit shall apply to the Finance Director and shall submit engineering design and operational information as deemed necessary by the Finance Director to make an evaluation and decision. Properties that employ stormwater best management practices that control flow and improve water quality are found by the City Council to reduce the burden imposed upon the system.

(4) Credits for Schools Participating in Stormwater and Surface Water Education. The City Council finds that many of the concerns about stormwater quality are created by a general lack of knowledge about the relationship between human activities and the health of the environment. The City Council also finds that Public and Private schools can provide regional benefits to the City’s Stormwater and Surface Water Management Program by carrying out certain types of educational and community activities related to protection and enhancement of surface water, groundwater, and stormwater quality. Kindergarten through grade 12 schools that are in compliance with all requirements for their own stormwater facilities, and that are carrying out surface water, groundwater, and stormwater quality educational and community activities in cooperation with the City may apply to the Finance Director for a credit, up to a maximum of 20%, towards their stormwater fees. The amount of an approved credit shall depend upon the nature and extent of the programs and activities being performed. Schools shall pay the full charge under PCC 10.30.110 as currently enacted or hereafter amended until such time as a credit is granted by the Finance Director.

(5) Waiver of Utility Fees for Certain Property. The Finance Director shall waive stormwater and surface water utility fees for a parcel falling within the following special categories of property upon a showing that the parcel meets the following applicable criteria for so long as the criteria are met:

(a) Fees shall be waived for streets, City rights-of-way, and airport runways and taxiways provided that the City transportation system continues to be an integral component of the City stormwater control facility.

(b) Fees shall be waived for municipal parks, public trails and bike paths so long as their owners cooperate with the utility in the provisions of educational services and water quality control efforts. Parks, trails and bike paths have minimal intensity of impervious development and provide opportunities for natural resource education and development of an appreciation for water quality.

(c) Fees shall be waived for all undeveloped parcels. The City Council finds that such parcels generally have no improvements built on them, generate little to no traffic, generate less runoff, and generally are in a natural state, thereby imposing no burden upon the system and receiving no benefit from the utility’s services and facilities. Information that a property categorized as undeveloped is being used otherwise may result in a loss of this waiver. (Ord. 09-13 §2, 2009).