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(1) It is unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the city or in any area under jurisdiction of the city any human excrement, garbage, or other sewage.

(2) It is unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the city, or in any area under its jurisdiction any sewage or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this Chapter.

(3) Except as hereinafter provided, it is unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage.

(4) The owner of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the city of Pullman and abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located a public sanitary or combined sewer of the city is required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter ninety days after date of written notice from the director to do so; provided that the public sewer is within one hundred feet of the property line and two hundred feet of the house, building, or structure.

(5) All matter of any nature shall be excluded from storm drains excepting only such storm or surface water as herein authorized. Unpolluted water, including but not limited to cooling water, process water, or blowdown from cooling towers or evaporative coolers may be directed into a storm drain but only under the authorization and direction of the director, under engineering and technical conditions set by the director from time to time to carry out the purpose of this Chapter.

(6) No person shall discharge or permit or cause the discharge of waste of any kind or nature into the sewer system which causes, threatens to cause, or is capable of causing either alone or by interaction with one or more other substances:

(a) a fire or explosion;

(b) obstruction of flow or injury to any part of the treatment facilities of the sewer system;

(c) detrimental effects to any part of the sewer system;

(d) danger or hazard to human life or safety or personnel;

(e) a strong offensive odor or prevention of the effective maintenance or operation of any part of the treatment facilities of the sewer system;

(f) air pollution by the release of toxic or malodorous gases or malodorous gas-producing substances;

(g) interference with the wastewater treatment process;

(h) the city's effluent or any other product of the treatment process, residues, sludges, or scums, to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse or to interfere with the reclamation process;

(i) a detrimental environmental impact or a nuisance in the waters of the state of Washington or a condition unacceptable to any public agency having regulatory jurisdiction over the city;

(j) discoloration or any other condition in the quality of the effluent of treatment facilities of the municipal sewer system such that receiving water quality requirements established by applicable law cannot be met;

(k) conditions at or near the treatment facilities of the municipal sewer system which violate any statute or any rule, regulation, or ordinance of any public agency or state of Washington or of any federal regulatory body;

(l) the treatment facilities of the municipal sewer system to be overloaded or cause excessive city collection or treatment costs, or may use a disproportionate share of the municipal sewer system or of its treatment facilities; or

(m) any slugload, which shall mean any pollutant, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.), released in a single extraordinary discharge episode of such volume or strength as to cause interference to the municipal sewer system.

(7) Waste from garbage grinders shall not be discharged into municipal sewer system except properly shredded garbage wastes generated in preparation of food normally consumed on the premises. No discharge permitted by this Section may contain plastic, paper products, inert material, or garden refuse. (Ord. 87-29 §2, 1987; Ord. 80-12 §2, 1980).