1.36.020 Police Chief – Responsibilities.
(1) The police chief shall be responsible for the administration, direction, and operation of police services including its auxiliary or ancillary functions in the areas of animal control, recordkeeping, communications, and dispatching of municipal emergency services.
(2) The police chief shall have such authority, rights, duties, and responsibilities as may be granted, directed or set forth by applicable federal, state, or municipal laws or regulations pertaining to law enforcement, maintaining the public peace and serving of criminal or civil process.
(3) The police chief shall employ such persons as may be necessary to assist in carrying out the responsibilities of the position. Those persons shall be employed for such positions as authorized by the budget or any amendments thereof and shall be compensated as provided for in the budget or any amendments thereof.
(4) The police chief shall report to and receive direction from the city administrator; or in the absence of the city administrator, from the authorized designee of the city administrator.
(5) Any provisions of the Pullman City Code which refer to the director of public safety shall be deemed to mean the police chief when those provisions pertain to law enforcement, maintaining the public peace, transportation, or recordkeeping. (Ord. 22-8 §1, 2022; Ord. 18-25 §17, 2018; Ord. 18-7 §11, 2018; Ord. 82-31 §3, 1982).